Category Archives: Events
Heb en Sekhen: Feast of the Joyous Union of Hathor and Horus
Sunday, May 15, 11:00 AM Beautiful Hathor, One who enchants with music and dance, your loveliness enchants us all. You remind us of our own beauty You bring gladness and joy to the hearts of all You lift your skirt to make the sorrowful laugh out loud Hathor, Het-Her, goddess of the vine, You bring abundance, the fertile land and… Read more »
Lights of Nut Feb 7 Ceremony

Each of us makes our own journey through the night, seeking the light of understanding. While we must make a solitary journey, we are not alone. The deep blue body of Nut, the sky mother, embraces and receives us all, and gives rebirth to us with the dawn. Members and friends of Osireion will gather on Sunday, February 7, to… Read more »
Return To Balance: Autumn Equinox Ceremony at State House Grounds
All are invited to join Osireion for a short public ceremony on Tuesday, September 22, 7:00 00 PM at the SC State House, in the Northeast Corner of the walking path around the grounds. We will be there early so you will know you are in the right place. This year has been one of tumultuous change in South Carolina, and the… Read more »
Hathor-Min Celebration in the Park
Sunday, May 4, 2014 at 1:00 PM Beautiful Hathor, One who enchants with music and dance, Your loveliness enchants us all. You remind us of our own beauty You bring gladness and joy to the hearts of all You lift your skirt to make the sorrowful laugh out loud Hathor, Het-Her, goddess of the vine, You bring abundance, the fertile… Read more »
Feast of Isis Ceremony
At the spring equinox we celebrate Isis, the great mother goddess who brings new life, creates families, gives birth to Horus, brought Osiris back to life, is a healer, magician and midwife, and the first earthly queen of Egypt. At the ancient festival of Shem el Nessim, still celebrated by modern Egyptians, families picnicked and went walking in the country. … Read more »
Lights of Nut
Each of us makes our own journey through the night, seeking the light of understanding. While we must make a solitary journey, we are not alone. The deep blue body of Nut, the sky mother, embraces and receives us all, and gives rebirth to us with the dawn. Members and friends of Osireion will gather twice on Saturday, February 1,… Read more »
Mysteries of Osiris
You are invited to join Osireion and friends for a private occasion, a beautiful ritual drama commemorating the death of Osiris, the lamentations of Isis, her search for Osiris, and the magic of his return to life as god of the ancient Egyptian world of the dead. Annually, for thousands of years, this drama was re-enacted over a period of several days… Read more »
Return to Balance: Autumn Equinox 2013
“Truth, integrity, honesty, goodness and balance bring one closer to the spiritual essence that is all pervasive in the Universe. There is nothing more sacred or important to the practitioner of Ancient Egyptian religion. The cosmic order that is Ma’at connects everything in the ageless dance of beauty and motion giving meaning to existence on all levels. It is for… Read more »
Wep Renpet – Opening of the Year 2013
Sunday, August 4, 6:00-7:00 PM Wep Renpet – the “opening of the year” was the time in ancient Egypt of the great annual Nile inundation. Sahu (Orion) and Sopdet (Sirius), swallowed by the Duat around time of Vernal Equinox, reappear about 70 days later, just before the Nile’s annual inundation floods the land. The World of Manu is the original… Read more »