Announcing open meetings with book study

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Temple Osireion is pleased to announce that for the first time in many years we are opening our regular 2x/month meetings to others who may wish to attend.

Our format: brief check-in/intros around; a short reading from a source we consider inspirational; opening meditation/invocation; book study; brief announcements/business; close within 90 minutes.

We meet at 10:30 AM ET by Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. Generally, our special rituals are always open, usually on Zoom, and dates are separate, though they sometimes overlap with meeting dates.

We have studied in the past: Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts; Temple of the Cosmos by Jeremy Naydler; Egyptian Book of the Dead (Faulkner translation with commentary by Goelet and others).

Aug 28 we will begin a new book study using Animism: Respecting the Living World Paperback – 2005 by Graham Harvey. You will need to get a copy of this book to participate.

If you would like to join our meetings, email us at and we will share the Zoom link.

Our only rules: be nice to each other.