A Year of Spiritual Exploration Class

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Osireion offers a year-long monthly class  in Columbia, S.C., called A Year of Spiritual Exploration.  To inquire about joining the next class, please contact us at sekhmet @ osireion. com  Soon we will introduce an online version of the course.
Ancient roots of modern Paganism (text, Triumph of the Moon, by Ronald Hutton)
Hermetic history and tradition  (text, Seth Speaks, by Jane Roberts)
Energy, field theory, healing and magickal use  (text, The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot)
Meditation, attuning to one’s inner self  (text, Pagan Spirituality, by River and Joyce Higginbotham)
Journey from the outer court  (text, The Jesus Mysteries, by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy)
Divination and discernment  (no text)
Gaia as the divine manifest; the god/dess within  (text, The Earth Path, by Starhawk)
Living in community, service to others, ethics, guiding principles  (text, The Fifth Sacred Thing, by Starhawk)
Living between the worlds  (text, The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft, by Christopher Penczak)
Ritual – why and how  (text, NeoPagan Rites: A Guide To Creating Rituals That Work, by Isaac Bonewits)
Walk like an Egyptian – Osireion ritual practice  (text, Temple of the Cosmos, by Jeremy Naydler)
The journey of Osiris & Isis  (no text)

$5 per month,  plus books.  (Book list is here.)  Interested students should contact Osireion by email to arrange pre-course appointment or for more information.  The class is open to anyone with a genuine interest.